Skip (Unneeded) Photo Doubles
Rabu, 12 Maret 2008
Cut down on waste, as well as use of toxic chemicals, by saying no to doubles at the photo shop, unless you really plan to use them.
Although more and more of us are going digital, we still order mountains of high-color glossies, both due to traditional film cameras and services that work with electronic photos. Many photo processors offer free or greatly discounted doubles to customers, but huge numbers of those prints end up languishing in drawers for years, and are eventually tossed out. Not only is that a waste of space and resources, but their production requires heavy amounts of chemicals.
Processing is the most expensive part of photography, which suggests that considerable labor and materials are required. The waste generated by processors contains silver compounds, some of which are toxic. Borates are also common, which can harm plant and aquatic life. Various non-biodegradable chemicals are also used as surfactants, washing aids and bleaching agents. Some can release toxic cyanide, benzene or carcinogenic hexavalent chromium in the environment.
Instead of doubles, save negatives that come with your prints, or archive your photos digitally. That way, you can make reproductions later for images you really want.
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